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CNN 10 - April 6, 2018

U.S. National Guard Troops are Headed to the U.S.-Mexico Border; Media Piracy in Singapore; A CNN Hero Works to Help Juvenile Offenders

CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi. I`m Carl Azuz.

And one important thing that I`ve learned from my reporting on CNN is that Fridays are awesome! Welcome to the show.

Our first report: soldiers with the U.S. National Guard, part of the military, are headed to the border between America and Mexico. President

Donald Trump signed a memorandum earlier this week to deploy the guard there. He wrote that under former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack

memorandum [͵mɛməˋrændəm] n. 备忘录

Obama, the National Guard supported efforts to secure America`s southern border, and that the crisis there once again calls for the guard to help

protect the border and the U.S. homeland.

The president also says gangs and large amounts of illegal drugs flowing across that border. In December, the government reported that illegal

border crossings were at a 46-year low for the last fiscal year under President Trump.

But a separate report released this week said the number of people trying to illegally cross the border increased dramatically in March, more than

200 percent over the number from last March. The Trump administration says historically, border crossings increased in the spring months.

But critics say the president is inappropriately using the military to secure the border because he`s frustrated that Congress hasn`t approved

funding yet for the new wall he wants to build there.

The number of National Guard soldiers, the cost of sending them, their exact locations and the length of their deployment are all still being

worked out.

Another announcement by President Trump we`ve covered recently involves the new U.S. tariffs on certain goods from China. Part of the reason for that,

the Trump administration blames China for stealing $300 billion of U.S. intellectual property, things like books, clothing, designs, music,

photographs and art. This could include illegally reproducing goods that were patented in the U.S. or the act of pirating, illegally copying or

distributing movies and TV.

Outside China, the Asian country of Singapore is one place where media piracy is rampant.

rampant [ˋræmpənt] adj. 猖獗的

Andrew Stevens has a look at a small box that`s a big target of major media and entertainment companies who want to protect their intellectual



ANDREW STEVENS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The most common form of content piracy in Asia is either through illegal online sites or more

likely through one of these -- a media streaming box or illicit streaming device known as an ISD. This sold openly across the region, most come with

illicit [ɪˋlɪsɪt] adj. 非法的,不法的,违禁的;不正当的

preloaded software that when hooked up to the Internet provide access to literally thousands of TV, sports and movie channels across the world.

(on camera): This is Sim Lim Square. It`s an electronic shopping mall in Singapore. I`ve been told it`s the easiest place in the city to buy a

media streaming box. I want to see how true that is.

(voice-over): We`re not allowed to take cameras in, but inside, I counted at least half a dozen shops openly selling ISDs loaded with software for a

one-off payment of between $100 and $300.

one-off 仅一次的;仅供一人使用的

(on camera): Well, that was very painless. I`ve just spent US$150 on an HD streaming device. It`s got 1,500 channels. They loaded it for me. It

painless [penlɪs] adj. 不痛的;容易的

took about 10 minutes or so. All I have to do now is plug it in and play. Let`s see how it works.

(voice-over): It was pretty much as simple as that. The box was soon streaming latest movies, English premier league football, news including

CNN, and hit U.S. and British TV series, all content I should be paying for. So, I shut it down.

But the industry is fighting back. Pay TV operators SingTel and StarHub and content providers Fox Network and Premier League football have taken

action against two ISD sellers in the Singapore state court. That follows successful legal action against ISD sellers in the United Kingdom, Hong

Kong, Thailand and Malaysia.

But fighting piracy is likely to be a long and drawn-out battle. Unlike the fight scenes these stuntmen for this scene in (INAUDIBLE), it`s still

drawn-out [ˋdrɔn͵aʊt] adj. 持续很久的;拖长的;冗长乏味的

stuntman [ˈstʌntman] n. 特技替身演员

not at all clear whether the law will win.

Andrew Stevens, CNN, Singapore.


AZUZ: A CNN hero in Dallas, Texas, is making news for helping people who`ve served time as juvenile offenders. More than 40 percent of young

offender [əˋfɛndɚ] n. 违法者;犯规的人

people who`ve been convicted of a crime in Texas are incarcerated again within three years.

incarcerate [ɪnˋkɑrsə͵ret] v. 监禁

But a chef named Chad Houser found a way to help former youth offenders serve meals instead of time. And his work has helped hundreds of people

get restaurant training and help with their education and careers.


CHAD HOUSER, CNN HERO: In 2007, I was at the top of my game.

at the top of 在……顶端

I might take a bath in that.

I was nominated as best up-and-coming chef in Dallas. My career was taking off.

up-and-coming [ˋʌpəndˋkʌmɪŋ] adj. 很有前途的

Then, I had an opportunity to teach eight young men inside a Dallas County juvenile detention facility how to make ice cream for an ice ream


One of the young men won the whole thing. He came running up to me screaming at the top of his lungs, sir, I just love to cook! And I just bent my knees and cocked my arms, and screamed right back at him, sir, me too!

at the top of one’s lungs【俚】声嘶力竭地

cock [kɑk] v. 竖起;翘起

How many of you guys are going to go home and need help?

He told me when he gotten released, he was going to get a job in a restaurant. I realized that, you know, the odds of him ever making it were between slim and none. --

You guys are some of the hardest working, some of the most genuine, some of the most honest people I`ve ever met.

It`s one thing to tell the kids I believe in them. It was another thing to prove it. And to me, the way to prove it was to show them that I was going

to bet my whole career on them.

Cafe Momentum is a 12-month paid post-release internship for young men and women exiting Dallas County juvenile detention facilities.

internship [ˋɪntɝn͵ʃɪp] n. 实习期

When we talk about coming to Cafe Momentum, we talk a lot about commitment. But who do you commit to? Who has your best interest in mind? You do?

commitment [kəˋmɪtmənt] n. 承诺,保证

So, who`s going to make the best choices for you? You are. It`s you committing to yourself.

The interns work their way through every station in the restaurant, dishwasher, prep cook, line cook, buster, server, host, hostess,

intern [ɪnˋtɝn] n. 实习生

buster [ˋbʌstɚ] n.【口】(常用于对男孩、男子表示友好或不太客气的称呼)伙计

we`re getting them back in school. We have classes like financial literacy training, even parenting classes. They`re writing their resume, they`re

literacy [ˋlɪtərəsɪ] n. 知识;能力

going through mock interviews.

mock interview 模拟面试

Dallas is one the most philanthropic communities in the country, but it`s also one of the most segregated.

philanthropic [͵fɪlənˋθrɑpɪk] adj. 博爱的;仁慈的;慈善的

segregate [ˋsɛgrɪ͵get] adj. 被隔离的

A little barbecue, never hurt nobody.

We have a large population of kids that live in poverty and live without a home.

Waiting tables is about time management. He`s really learned to do a good job of how to manage that and it comes across effortlessly. That when he

waiting table 伺候用餐

used to talk trash about me at the tables.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My life kind of started rocky. I was in and out of jail from 11 to 16.

When I got out of jail, my probation officer told me about Cafe Momentum. There`s another family for me.

HOUSER: These kids can and will rise to whatever level of expectation is set for them, as long as you give them the tools, resources and opportunity

to get there.


AZUZ: According to Sam Sung, the average person born after 1980 will take 25,000 selfies in his or her lifetime. And now in Glendale, California,

selfie 自拍照(尤指自拍后上传至社群网站的照片)

there`s a museum of selfies, it`s called the Museum of Selfies. It features the world`s longest selfie stick, which measures 59 feet. It

features historic selfies, reproduction of self portraits by renaissance masters. And it features plenty of places where you can take a selfie.

So, is it shameless selfie promotion or selfie aggrandizement? Does it selfie help, selfie proclaim, selfie supporters with their selfie

aggrandizement [əˋgrændɪzmənt] n. 增大;强化;夸大

confidence or selfie esteem? Guess if you believe in your selfie and know that your selfie and plan to suit your selfie by helping your selfie do a

selfie funded ticket to the selfie museum, you`ll each selfie (ph) be able to make your selfie at home.

I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10.


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