CNN 10 August 24, 2018

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Tensions Between China and U.S. on Tariffs; Ice on the Moon; Hurricane Lane Could Possibly Hit Hawaii; Saving Clown Fish; Company Designing Robot Dog

CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to Friday`s are awesome. Not really the name of our show but who (inaudible). I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10.

Tensions over trade are heating up between the United States and China. At midnight Thursday, $16 billion worth of Chinese products including

motorcycles, plastics and refrigerators became subject to25 percent tariff or tax when they`re imported to the U.S. China responded with 25 percent

tariffs of its own on American products like buses and diesel fuel when they`re imported to China.

These are the latest shots fired in what many analysts call a trade war between the two countries. And they could lead to higher prices on both

sides of the Pacific on imported materials and the items they`re made from. So why is this happening? The Trump Administration has blamed China for

unfair trade practices. President Donald Trump says they`ve helped China benefit quote "too well for too long and they`ve become spoiled". The

tariffs are meant to help American manufacturers by making Chinese products more expensive to buy in the U.S. And while some American companies have

benefited, others have seen their costs go up.

Chinese President Xi Jinping says China will defend it`s own interests in free trade in general and that he thinks the tariffs are not only about

trade but also about trying to limit the rise of China. Officials from both sides are meeting in Washington D.C. to work out their differences but

analysts say they don`t think much will come from the talks. And at this point, neither country is backing down on the tariffs.

back down 放弃, 打退堂鼓

Up next today, is there ice on the moon. A study recently published in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggest there is. The

proceeding [prəˋsidɪŋ] n.(学会等的)会议录;活动记录;公报

study was new but the data wasn`t. It came from an Indian mission that was carried out in 2008 and 2009. It involved an instrument designed to detect

the reflective properties of ice and also try to distinguish between whether it was looking at water or ice. Previous studies have suggested

that ice could be present on the moon but they might have just detected unusually reflective soil there according to NASA. In the new study,

scientists look at information gathered from the darkest and coldest parts of the moon`s poles.

Places that never see sunlight and they concluded that they found definitive evidence for ice in the moon`s frigid areas. Why might that

definitive [dɪˋfɪnətɪv] adj. 最可靠的

matter? Well if there`s enough of it and no one knows how much there is. Researchers believe it could be a water source for a future moon mission.

Scientists involved in the study are hoping another mission will carried out to examine the remote parts of the moon and better map it out.

map out: 详细提出某事; 拟定,制订,计划

10 Second Trivia. What kind of hurricane related history was made in 1950? Storms were named, the Saffir Simpson Scale was created, Hawaii was hit or

a storm was seen from space. 1959 was the first year when storms started getting names.

People in the U.S. state of Hawaii are hunkered down as the rain, wind and waves from Hurricane Lane lash the islands. The storm was expected to

hunker [ˋhʌŋkɚ] down 蹲下来休息;专心做某一件事

lash [læʃ] v.(风,雨,浪等的)猛烈打击,猛烈冲击

weaken as it approached Hawaii but as of yesterday afternoon, it was a Category 4 cyclone with wind speeds of 130 miles per hour. It`s center was

still about 200 miles away from Hawaii but potentially damaging winds extended 140 miles from the middle of the storm and it was getting closer.

Landslides and flooding have already set in on the Big Island.

The Central Pacific doesn`t see a lot of hurricanes in contrast to the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Oceans and Hawaii takes up a relatively small

part of the sea. That`s why only two hurricanes have actually made landfall there since the 1950`s. Whether Hurricane Lane would actually do

that wasn`t known. Hurricanes are hard to track and they are even different ways of modeling them.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well you hear us talk a lot about the models. The European versus the American and how are they different. We`re trying to

model an atmosphere that has infinite number of layers from where we live to the top of the atmosphere it`s not 9, 12, 13 different layers. It`s an

infinite [ˋɪnfənɪt] adj. 无限的;无边的;极大的

infinite number but you can`t put infinity into a computer and expect an answer because it will just hang up and keep running. The difference

infinity [ɪnˋfɪnətɪ] n.【数】无穷大,无穷

between the two models is trying to get a model run that`s accurate and timely. Timely meaning we can`t have a perfect forecast for a two day


But it might take 24 hours worth of running the computer to get there. So as a two day forecast that`s only good for one day is that worth it? No.

We try to get it to run in four hours or less. Now the European model does take longer to run. There`s more data in the European model. And so

therefore it can be slightly more accurate but the American model is pretty close.


CARL AZUZ: From finding Nemo to missing Nemo to saving Nemo, that`s going to take some explanation. Clown fish, the real life animal that Nemo was

based on are missing from many of their natural habitats. Part of the reason may have to do with coral bleaching. Clown fish make their homes in

bleaching [ˋblitʃɪŋ] n. 白化

coral and bleaching occurs when low tides, pollution, invasive species or changes in water temperature cause coral to get sick and lose it`s vibrant

color. That`s bad for clown fish. This has struck several places worldwide in recent years though some of the bleached coral areas show

signs of recovering. But there`s another threat that Nemo is facing and it`s because the fish is so popular.


IVAN WATSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Meet the humble clown fish. Though small in size, it`s one of the most instantly recognizable inhabitants of the

world`s coral reefs. A fish made famous by the 2003 animated Finding Nemo. The movie told the story of a father searching for his son Nemo after he`s

captured from the wild. But finding Nemo`s box office success has had some unintended consequences.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: After the film Finding Nemo, there was a drastic spike in the number of fish that people wanted for their aquarium.

WATSON: Karen Burke Desova (ph) is a marine biologist and the co-founder of a program called Saving Nemo.

(KAREN BURKE DESOVA): And the places that they were getting those fish actually was from the wild. And as the numbers kept coming out of the

wild, they started getting very, very small in some places and in fact in certain areas became locally extinct.

WATSON: Students at Belgium Gardens Primary School in the Australian city of Townsville are trying to change that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (inaudible) there`s a little orange clown fish. It`s really tiny. It`s like a (inaudible).

AZUZ: Oh wow.


WATSON: As part of the Saving Nemo program, these children are helping breed baby clown fish.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We breed them so they can give fish that we breed to people who want clown fish and so they don`t have to take them out of the


WATSON: Ivan Watson, CNN Townsville, Australia.


CARL AZUZ: For 10 out of 10 today, robot dog for hire. It`s not exactly too warm and cuddly like a real dog. But the makers of Spot Mini the Robot

cuddly [ˋkʌdlɪ] adj. 令人想紧搂的;逗人喜爱的

Dog think it can work in construction, delivery, security and even homecare. Look, it could get up if it falls down and it even uses care

when putting away the dishes. One expert says a problem may be pricing. This could cost as much as car. And it`s not clear exactly what else this

could help people do.

Personally I think they should just teach it to walk the actual dog because irony. You`re going to take out a leash to buy it. It`d probably fetch a

few bucks at auction and with that yellow color it`s already like a Golden Retriever. Why not let the dog walking just go to the dogs? Something to

train your mind on as we scoot on into the weekend. I`m Carl Azuz with CNN 10.