CNN 10 - February 19, 2020

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United Kingdom Recovers From an Intense Storm; What It`s Like to Be Out and About in Shanghai; Discussion of the Term "Retail Apocalypse"


CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Here to deliver your Wednesday edition of CNN 10, I`m Carl Azuz. Hope things are going well for you. It`s been raining

at the CNN Center and it`s supposed to be for most of the week but that is nothing compared to what the United Kingdom has been dealing with.

A storm named Dennis has been battering the islands for days bringing tremendous amounts of rain to some parts of the UK. This isn`t just a case

of cloudy with a chance of showers. Dennis is considered a bomb cyclone, a very intense system with hurricane force winds and it`s caused severe

flooding in some areas of the country. It`s triggered landslides. It`s cancelled or delayed hundred of flights and it`s dropped more than six

inches of rain on some regions in a very short amount of time.

Authorities have had to evacuate people from their homes and put them in emergency shelters in South Wales. One of the places hit hard by Dennis

and a ghost ship that`s been floating around the Atlantic for more than a year was washed ashore in Southern Ireland last weekend. The U.S. Coast

Guard had rescued its 10 crew members in another part of the Atlantic in 2018. The storm Dennis is believed to have carried it across the ocean.

What makes this system so powerful and gives it the name bomb cyclone is a process called bombogenesis. It occurs when a storm`s air pressure drops

bomb cyclone 炸弹气旋

bombogenesis 骤强暴风雪

24 millibars in 24 hours and generally speaking the lower the pressure, the stronger the storm.

According to weather historians cited by, Dennis is the second strongest storm this region has seen since record keeping began more than

150 years ago. And it had bad timing too because another storm that hit this part of the world days before Dennis arrived so the ground was already

soaked with rain likely making the flooding caused by Dennis even worse.

China`s Health Commission has renamed the Wuhan corona virus the novel corona virus pneumonia or NCV. It was first named for the Chinese city of

Wuhan where it was first identified in mid-December and many of our reports on this disease you`ve seen people wearing facemasks whenever they`re out

in public. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control does not recommend the general American public do this. Health officials are concerned that if

people buy masks in large numbers, it could leave less of them for healthcare workers who need them on the job.

Many of the masks are actually made in China and people are required to wear then there and while yesterday`s report looked at the empty shopping

centers and restaurants to illustrate the economic toll this virus is taking. Today`s gives you a sense of what life is like for those who are

still getting out and about.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Inside Beijing`s south railway station, passengers sporting a range of plastic protective attire. This man dressed in a

sport [sport] v. 得意地戴着

raincoat, hairnet and goggles. Another woman donning a plastic veil of sorts, purple latex gloves as she thumbs through her phone determined to

hairnet [ˋhɛrnɛt] n. 发网

goggle [ˋgɑg!] n.(复)护目镜

don [dɑn] v. 穿上;披上;穿着

veil [vel] n. 面纱,面罩

latex [ˋletɛks] n.【植】【化】乳汁;乳胶

keep from contracting the novel corona virus. Everyone abiding by the requirement to wear a mask.

abide [əˋbaɪd] v. 遵守

Security patrols the terminal in hazmat suits as one worker sprays a liquid bleach like substance around the feet of passengers. This is what train

hazmat suit 危险品套装

bleach [blitʃ] n. 漂白剂

travel has become here in China. Arriving in Shanghai, the passengers file through a round of temperature checks then using smartphones you are

file [faɪl] v. 排成纵队行进

required to register your health and travel history. Only then can you enter the city.

The normally vibrant financial hub subdued. We stroll down the popular Nanjing Road, most stores closed. The shops that were open eager for

subdue [səbˋdju] v. 制服; 征服; 镇压

business. To walk in you go through what`s become a standard temperature reading. Inside the look on some of the employees faces suggested they are

desperate for a return to normalcy. We are in the heart of Shanghai`s financial district and just look how slowly things are moving. There`s

hardly any traffic at what is normally a very busy circle. And as far as the lunchtime rush, all we`ve seen maybe a few folks who are out and about

but this certainly does not feel like a city coming back to life. Is that unusual?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Inalea (ph) tells us this elevated pedestrian plaza is normally packed. Mostly with tourists trying to snap a skyline photo. As

someone who works in finance, Yenna (ph) says this strange silence will come at a cost. Do you think it`s going to have a long impact though


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think the overall impact will be the, from April or May.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you feel nervous?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A little but not too much. I just remind, even my family is that take care because out of control. Out of your own control.


AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. Which of these U.S. department stores was founded first? Macy`s, Sears, J.C. Penny or Bloomingdale’s. Macy`s traces its

roots back to the 1850s` making it the oldest department store on this list.

Macy`s recently announced that it plans to close 125 of its stores over the next three years. That`s almost one-fifth of all its locations. It

expects 2,000 jobs to be lost and the company is hoping this will help it save money and better adapt to the changing ways in which people shop.

This is especially bad news in struggling malls. The ones where foot traffic has decreased simply because fewer and fewer people are shopping

there. Macy`s is an anchor store.

anchor store 主力商店(指购物中心里吸引人流的主要零售商)

A major retail location that brings in a lot of shoppers that in turn visit the smaller stores around it. So take away an anchor store and the whole

in turn: one after another

mall can suffer. Macy`s isn`t alone though. Thousands of stores closed across America last year. Some analysts have called this a sort of "retail apocalypse"

apocalypse [əˋpɑkə͵lɪps] n. 世界末日

but people are still spending money. They`re just doing it differently and away from traditional shopping malls.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The "retail apocalypse". Store closings and death of the mall, the complete and total takeover of e-commerce. It`s the end of

shopping as we know it. Right? Well not exactly. Yes, retailers had a tough few years. There were 7,000 store closings in 2017. You saw big

brands like J.C. Penney, Macy`s and Sears all shut their (ph) stores. The term "retail apocalypse" is so pervasive that it even has its own Wikipedia

pervasive [pɚˋvesɪv] adj. 普遍的

page. But there`s another side to this story. In the same year, there were actually 3,400 store opening announcements, 50 percent surge according

to Coresight Research a retail think tank.

think tank 智囊团(= think factory)

So what`s the deal? Is there a "retail apocalypse" or not? The answer lies somewhere in the middle. At the high and low ends of the retail

spectrum, the industry`s thriving. Low price stores, the Old Navy`s of the world, has seen their revenues steadily increase 37 percent over the last

five years. And premium retailers, luxury stores like Coach, are faring even better. Their revenue skyrocketed 81 percent. Those revenue

fare [fɛr] v. 进展

increases led to store openings and while many of the "retail apocalypse" headlines place blame on e-commerce, a recent Deloitte study found that 91

percent of retail sales still happen in brick-and-mortar stores.

brick-and-mortar 实际存在的,实体的

So if retail isn`t dying, it`s actually doing well. What`s going on with those stores in the middle? Well, you can track the decline of those

stores closely to the shrinking of the American middle class. The retailers hit hardest over the last few years have been big box and

big box store 超级商场; 大型的零售机构

department stores. Stores that rely on middle class, suburban mall. And since 1975, the U.S. built malls have four times the rate of population

growth but over the last 10 years most Americans have seen their discretionary funds stall or even shrink and income has dwindled.

discretionary [dɪˋskrɛʃən͵ɛrɪ] adj. 自由决定的

discretionary fund: an amount of money that is available to spend on things that are not considered necessary but that may be useful

stall [stɔl] v. 陷入泥潭

Those consumers have become more price sensitive driving them to look for deals at low price stores. On the other hand, rich Americans have seen

their net worth and discretionary funds increase creating more customers for luxury retailers. Meanwhile, stores in the middle like J Crew, they`ve

seen their customers flee in both directions. So what we`re seeing is less of a "retail apocalypse" and more of a tale of two retails.


AZUZ: For 10 out of 10, this is about as close as a fan can get to actually seeing what a racecar driver sees. It`s called driver`s eye.

It`s a little blurry and a lot of shaky but it`s live and because it`s mounted inside the lining of drivers helmets. It shows you exactly what

mount [maʊnt] v. 固定在……上;镶嵌

direction they`re looking in. The new technology was introduced in Formula E racing and race organizers hope it will increase fan engagement in the


Not everyone will like the "aerodynamics". Some will want to make a "pit stop" if the driver`s "eye view" brings a "third dimension" of motion

pit stop 赛车场加油修理处;旅行休息站

sickness. But assuming they an keep their "brake" balance, they`ll "chassieze" the race from a whole new pole position without needing a headrest

headrest [ˋhɛd͵rɛst] n. 头靠,头枕,靠头之物

and that could be the spark that leaves fans on the edge of their single seat.

on the edge of one’s seat 被影片情节紧紧抓住;引人入胜

I want to give a big shout out to our friends in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. That`s where you`ll find the Academy for Performing Arts who`s watching

today. That`s also where people are subscribing and commenting on our new You Tube channel. We hope you will do that too. I`m Carl Azuz for

















bomb cyclone 炸弹气旋

bombogenesis 骤强暴风雪

sport [sport] v. 得意地戴着

hairnet [ˋhɛrnɛt] n. 发网

goggle [ˋgɑg!] n.(复)护目镜

don [dɑn] v. 穿上;披上;穿着

veil [vel] n. 面纱,面罩

latex [ˋletɛks] n.【植】【化】乳汁;乳胶

abide [əˋbaɪd] v. 遵守

hazmat suit 危险品套装

bleach [blitʃ] n. 漂白剂

file [faɪl] v. 排成纵队行进

subdue [səbˋdju] v. 制服; 征服; 镇压

anchor store 主力商店(指购物中心里吸引人流的主要零售商)

in turn : one after another

apocalypse [əˋpɑkə͵lɪps] n. 世界末日

pervasive [pɚˋvesɪv] adj. 普遍的

think tank 智囊团(= think factory

fare [fɛr] v. 进展

brick-and-mortar 实际存在的,实体的

big box store 超级商场; 大型的零售机构

discretionary [dɪˋskrɛʃən͵ɛrɪ] adj. 自由决定的

stall [stɔl] v. 陷入泥潭

mount [maʊnt] v. 固定在……上;镶嵌

pit stop 赛车场加油修理处;旅行休息站

headrest [ˋhɛd͵rɛst] n. 头靠,头枕,靠头之物

on the edge of one’s seat 被影片情节紧紧抓住;引人入胜