CNN 10 - November 12, 2020
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2020年11月14日
- 最后更新于 2024年10月27日
- 发布于 2020年11月14日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:1237
Hospitalization Record; A New Antibody Therapy; Discussing Ocean Exploration; A Building on the Move
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Here we go with news and features from around the world. My name is Carl Azuz. We`re happy to have you watching
CNN 10. The fight against corona virus continues as the disease itself continues to spread. The COVID Tracking Project, an organization that
gathers data from across the United States, says almost 62,000 people with COVID-19 were in the hospital on Tuesday. That`s the highest number of
COVID related hospitalizations its recorded this year and some hospital systems say they`re running low on available beds for sick patients in part
hospitalization [͵hɑspɪt!aɪˋzeʃən] n. 医院收容;住院治疗
because so many people are there with corona virus. Health officials say the pandemic is spreading in every state though not at the same rate
Most people who catch corona virus do recover. We told you the other day how more than 99 percent of those who get infected are estimated to
survive. But since the pandemic began, American states like other countries have struggled with finding the balance between enforcing safety
restrictions and allowing people to live freely. In attempts to slow the spread, the governor of Nevada is urging residents to stay home and not
host any dinner parties. The governor of Wisconsin wants people to cancel gatherings, sleepovers and play dates and the state of California is
sleepover [ˋslip͵ovɚ] n.【美】(小孩)在朋友家过夜的晚会
requiring people to hold any get togethers outside, wear face coverings and not host any events where people come from more than three different
With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, these guidelines and requirements have received a lot of criticism by people who want to see
friends and family members and accept the risk themselves. Amid all this tension is talk of more lockdowns, when people aren`t allowed to leave
their homes except to go to certain jobs, the grocery store or the doctor. But an increasing number of health officials say that`s not the answer.
Many of them are pushing for more testing and tracing of corona virus cases and they`re concerned the public won`t go along with another lockdown anyway.
go along 同意; 合作
On the positive side, there is a new antibody treatment available. The pharmaceutical organization that developed it is Eli Lilly and Company.
The U.S. government says the treatment will be free but it has to be given in a hospital or a doctor’s office. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
issued an emergency use authorization which will speed up its availability. It hasn`t been proven effective for people who are already hospitalized
with serious cases. Officials say the therapy will be used to treat adults and children with mild or moderate cases of COVID-19.
10 Second Trivia. Which of these geographic features is about 1,580 miles long? Great Barrier Reef, Mariana Trench, Grand Canyon or Mississippi River.
It`s the Mariana Trench, the deepest point of the ocean, that`s a little less than 1,600 miles in length.
Diving deep into our next story, China says it`s broken its own record for deepest manned dive into the ocean. Yesterday morning a Chinese submersible
submersible [səbˋmɝsəb!] n. 潜水器
landed on the seabed of the Mariana Trench. It`s depth, 35,790 feet. That`s more than six miles below the waves and it`s only 63 feet
shallower than what`s believed to be the world record depth that was reached by an American explorer last year. This isn`t just about bragging rights though.
bragging rights 炫耀的資本,吹牛的本錢,吹噓的權利
China says it`s about resources. New diving equipment can help researchers draw quote, "treasure map of the deep", according to the
designer of the Chinese submersible. And the Pacific Ocean is said to be a treasure trove of rare-earth elements. China wants to keep it`s dominance
trove [trov] n.(不知物主的)贵重发掘物
rare-earth elements 稀土元素
in the production of rare earth materials with Japan and India making investments to explore and extract their own.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They are everywhere. You`ll find them in your phone, your car, even in wind turbines. Without rare earth elements a lot of the
technology we have today wouldn`t exist in its current form. They're mined in places like this and are then milled into a concentrate before being
mill [mɪl] v. 碾碎;将……磨成粉
processed into the pure metal. The global appetite for rare earth elements is surging. There`s actually about 50 percent rare earth contained in this concentrate.
concentrate [ˋkɑnsɛn͵tret] n. 浓缩物
So what are they? Well contrary to the name, they`re not actually that rare. Rare earth elements are a collection of 17 metals.
They`re found here on the Periodic Table with names that are almost impossible to pronounce.
Periodic Table【化】元素周期表
While their abundant, they`re not often found in quantities that make extraction economically viable. They`re known for having similar
properties and are mostly used in magnets, catalysts and hybrid car batteries. Even some military equipment requires rare earth elements.
China is by far the biggest producer. It has a third of the world`s deposits and accounts for more than 90 percent of global production and
supply. And while there are a handful of other countries with deposits, mining them is only half the battle. The bigger issue is processing and purifying.
half the battle 成功了一半;完成最困难的部分
That`s a dirty process and can involve handling radioactive waste. Up until now, most countries have been happy to leave that work to China. The
U.S. has one rare earth mine but it still exports its product to China for processing. As more and more technology appears that relies on rare earths
and demand for that technology grows, so does the dependency on China.
AZUZ: It`s been said that technology`s growing smaller with the camera in your pocket only a fraction of the size of this beloved antique. But it`s
also being utilized on a much larger scale. The walking building we told you about last week is one example how robot legs controlled by computer
sensors moved a 15 million pound schoolhouse in China. There`s another type of building on the move in New York City. It`s a $500 million
structure that aims to make the most of its space by physically expanding to create new ones.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we really wanted to do is to think about spaces that could respond to needs as they change and to people as the demographic
changes. So everything that we think about has to have a future life whether that`s moving or just being reused. I think what might happen is
that these buildings that you see around us will actually begin to open up. And we`ll breathe. We`ll have green. We`ll become much more about nature
and less about concrete and glass. So imagine if it`s a building of a simple concrete frame.
There could be chunks taken out and those chunks could be replaced with green spaces. Residential to be popped in on this floor. Office buildings
residential [͵rɛzəˋdɛnʃəl] adj. 作住所用的;适合于居住的
to be here. Apartments to be here. Shopping down here. Hospital here, and then that could all be changed over time. What`s driving the smart
city is -- is an idea of sustainability, so it`s a road would know when it`s rush hour in -- in one direction and another. And it would change how
many lanes are going in that direction.
It would know when the peak demand for electricity is and so it would shut off its own cooling systems and run them only at night when there`s
less demand. Going in and remaking the things that we already have around us to be better, I think is one of the opportunities that we have and
something I`m really excited about in the future.
AZUZ: For 10 out of 10, you don`t have to be a fan of the Smashing Pumpkins to be a fan of smashing pumpkins. Every year after Halloween, the
Discovery Center Museum in Rockford, Illinois helps people creatively dispose of their gourds. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn`t but the
dispose [dɪˋspoz] v. 处置,处理
organizers say their mission isn`t only positioned on pumpkin pulverization. It`s also about helping people learn, find joy, and have fun.
position [pəˋzɪʃən] v. 把……放在适当位置
pulverization [͵pʌlvəraɪˋzeʃən] n. 研碎;粉碎;【口】彻底摧毁;毁灭
That`s fun for adults and "guiateens" alike. They had a "smashing" good time. It`s no "funkin" for the "pumpkins" though. I mean, they already
have to endure being carved up and they just don`t see what "gourd" could come of being "catapulted" into the spotlight. Hey speaking of the
spotlight, we want to shine the spotlight on Tohaali Community School and all of our viewers watching in Tohaali and Laguna, New Mexico. We hope
you`ll come back tomorrow for more CNN 10. I`m Carl Azuz.
hospitalization [͵hɑspɪt!aɪˋzeʃən] n. 医院收容;住院治疗
sleepover [ˋslip͵ovɚ] n.【美】(小孩)在朋友家过夜的晚会
go along 同意; 合作
submersible [səbˋmɝsəb!] n. 潜水器
bragging rights 炫耀的資本,吹牛的本錢,吹噓的權利
trove [trov] n.(不知物主的)贵重发掘物
rare-earth elements 稀土元素
mill [mɪl] v. 碾碎;将……磨成粉
concentrate [ˋkɑnsɛn͵tret] n. 浓缩物
Periodic Table【化】元素周期表
half the battle 成功了一半;完成最困难的部分
residential [͵rɛzəˋdɛnʃəl] adj. 作住所用的;适合于居住的
dispose [dɪˋspoz] v. 处置,处理
pulverization [͵pʌlvəraɪˋzeʃən] n. 研碎;粉碎;【口】彻底摧毁;毁灭
position [pəˋzɪʃən] v. 把……放在适当位置