Jimmy: A Chance of Sunshine 几米的世界

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Do you know of Jimmy Liao? If not, you probably know his picture book, A Chance of Sunshine (向左走.向右走). This book is so popular that it even became a movie and a TV drama.




However, Jimmy wasn't always this blessed. In 1995, he got blood cancer. While fighting the disease, he found meaning in his life. This also made him appreciate the smallest things around him. So, Jimmy started to express himself through his illustrations.




Through Jimmy's works, we can learn to enjoy life and not to take things for granted. That's why his books appeal to readers of all ages.




by Melanie


Word Power

drama [ˋdrɑmə] n. 戏剧

Eddie Peng acted in TV dramas before starring in films.



meaning [ˋminɪŋ] n. 意义

People believe in different meanings behind Mona Lisa's smile.



appreciate [əˋpriʃɪ͵et] v. 感谢,感激


Gordon gives tips to the waitress to appreciate her hard work.



appeal [əˋpil] to 吸引 

The strawberry cake in the bakery appeals to me the most.



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blessed [ˋblɛsɪd] adj.幸福的

disease [dɪˋziz] n.疾病

illustration [ɪ͵lʌsˋtreʃən] n.插图

take .... for granted  认为…是理所当然的


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