Painting for Fun 彩绘咖啡馆-1

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(Tiffany is sitting inside of the coffee shop and waiting for Kris.)  (蒂芬妮正坐在咖啡店里等克里斯。)


Tiffany: Hey Kris! It's good to see you again.  嗨,克里斯!很高兴又碰面了。


Kris: You too! So, what are we doing today?  我也很高兴见到妳!我们今天要做什么?


Tiffany: Aside from drinking coffee, I'm going to paint.  除了纯粹喝咖啡之外,我打算挥笔作画。


Kris: I assume this place is more than just a cafe.  我猜这个地方不只是间咖啡厅吧?


Tiffany: You got it! We're at the Escape Artist (艺甸娱乐绘画空间)  你猜对了!我们正在艺甸园娱乐绘画空间。


Kris: Tell me more about this place. What can you do here?  再多告诉我一些有关这地方的事吧。我们能在这儿做什么呢?


Tiffany: This is a place for "paintertainment." You can just paint for fun.  这是个提供「绘画娱乐」的空间。你可以单纯享受作画的乐趣。


Kris: I might have to skip out on that. I'm not a skillful painter.  我大概会跳过那个部分吧。我可不是个画工了得的画家。


Tiffany: Don't worry, just relax and maybe you'll feel inspired.  别担心,只要放轻松,或许你的灵感就来了。


Kris: In the meantime, let's order some drinks and snacks.  同时,我们来点些饮料跟点心吧。



Word Power

assume [əˋsjum] v. 假定; 猜测


Kevin assumed Brittany was busy since she didn't answer her phone.



tell [tɛl] v.告诉


Mrs. Chen tells her students to study for the test tomorrow.



skillful [ˋskɪlfəl] adj.有技术的; 熟练的

The boss hired Erica because she is a skillful reporter.



drink [drɪŋk] n.饮料

Hotel guests can choose over 20 different drinks at the buffet.



More Information

paintertainment [͵pentɚˋtenmənt] n. 绘画娱乐

aside from 除此之外

skip out on 跳过

in the meantime  同时