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Painting for Fun 彩绘咖啡馆-2






(Kris next to Tiffany and watches her paint.)  (克里斯坐在蒂芬妮旁边看着她作画。)


Kris: I really like what you're working on.  我真的很喜欢妳现在画的作品。


Tiffany: Thanks! Are you having fun?  谢谢!你玩得还开心吗?


Kris: Yes, this place is so unique. Who came up with this idea?  是啊,这地方真的很特别。是谁想出来的点子呢?


Tiffany: The owners wanted a place for people to escape the usual activities.  咖啡店业主想要提供一个能让大家远离世俗活动的空间。


Kris: So, you don't have to be an artist to come here?  所以,来这里的人不一定要是艺术家啰?


Tiffany: Nope! People of all ages can come here to express themselves with their brushes.  没错!所有年龄层的人们都能来这儿用他们的画笔挥洒自我。


Kris: You know what, I'm feeling every inspired now.  妳知道吗?我现在感觉到源源不绝的灵感。


Tiffany: Well, grabcanvas and let your imagination run wild.  那么,赶快找块画布释放你的想象力吧!


Kris: I can't wait to get my hands dirty.  我等不及要自己动手作画了。


Tiffany: That's the spirit! Your true colors are starting to show.  这就对了!你开始展现出自我了哦!


by Tiffany Hu


Word Power

unique [juˋnik] adj. 独特的

Picasso's paintings are unique because of the many strange shapes.


brush [brʌʃ] n. 画笔

The old man used a brush to write beautiful words in Chinese.


imagination [ɪ͵mædʒəˋneʃən] n. 想象力;创造力

Imagine v. 想象

Jerry's stories are interesting because he was a wild imagination.


dirty [ˋdɝtɪ] adj. 脏的

Robert was afraid to eat the food from the dirty vendor.


More Information

escape [əˋskep] v. 逃避; 逃脱;避免

grab [græb] v. 攫取,抓取

canvas [ˋkænvəs] n. 油画布

come up with (针对问题等) 想出

that's the spirit!  这就对了!  应该有这种精神!,  做得对!

true color 本性; 真面目






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