What Is That Sound? 夜半扰人声-2

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No, that strange sound at night probably isn't a rat. It's someone grinding their teeth while sleeping. This is a very difficult habit for people to deal with. Usually, people grind their teeth because of stress. Yet, sometimes it's because of a lack of teeth or for no reason at all. However, there is a way to help. Doctors recommend that people with the problem wear a special mouth guardwhile they sleep. This not only protects someone's teeth from damage but decreases the noise they make.




by Bryan Shettig



Word Power

probably [ˋprɑbəblɪ] adv. 大概,或许,很可能

I will probably go to the library to study for my test.



reason [ˋrizn] n. 理由,原因

The reason why I eat fruits and vegetables is to stay healthy.



problem [ˋprɑbləm] n. 问题

We solved our problem by talking about it with each other.



decrease [ˋdikris] v. 减少


Fred's weight decreased after months of exercising at the gym.



More Information

grind [graɪnd] v. 磨

stress [strɛs] n. 压力

recommend [͵rɛkəˋmɛnd] v. 推荐

mouth guard 口腔护套

deal with 处理

a lack of  缺少,没有



While 的用法

While S1 + V1, S2 + V2....  "当...之时"  "虽然; 尽管"  "但是"

= S2 + V2 while S1 + V1


While the shop was about to close, a guy broke into it.



The mother still cooked for her children while she worked all day long.



I like the design of this dress while I don't like its color.
