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The Magic of Turkish Ice Cream 耍宝甜品-土耳其冰淇淋






When trying to grab your first cone of Turkish ice cream, you’ll likely find it slipping through your fingers. This special treat, known as dondurma, is served by men who like to entertain their customers before feeding them. The vendors use long metal paddles to stir and scoop the sticky ice cream, but also to tease. With one quick move of the paddle, the ice cream cone becomes either empty, upside down, or just out of reach.



Dondurma sellers are so skilled at fooling people that each sale looks like a magic trick. They can spin the ice cream around without it flying off because of two special ingredients: salep flour and mastic gum. These additions make dondurma stretchy and slow-melting.



As people attempt to snatch dondurma, they can’t help but look forward to finally tasting this sweet dessert. Since it is slow to melt, Turkish ice cream also keeps its taste in the mouth just a little longer. Try to get your hands on this fun and delicious treat before summer ends.



by Geoffrey Trager







slip [slɪp] v. 滑落,滑掉


Kevin slipped while running on the wet floor.


tease [tiz] v. 戏弄,逗弄


The man teased his dog by holding up a piece of meat then hiding it.


trick [trɪk] n. 恶作剧

Susie played a trick on her brother by putting a fake spider in his shoes.


addition [əˋdɪʃən] n. 添加物

Chocolate and banana make a great additions to waffles.


attempt [əˋtɛmpt] v. 试图;企图

The hikers attempted to walk up the tall mountain even though it was dangerous.



More Information

vendor [ˋvɛndɚ] n. 小贩

paddle [ˋpæd!] n.(搅拌混合用的)搅棒

salep [ˋsælɛp] flour 兰茎粉

mastic [ˋmæstɪk] gum【植】乳香脂;乳香

stretchy [ˋstrɛtʃɪ] adj. 有弹性的﹐可伸张的

snatch [snætʃ] v. 抓住

get one's hands on  把……弄到手








当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Basic English (中英文講解) Food (食品) The Magic of Turkish Ice Cream 耍宝甜品-土耳其冰淇淋