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The Struggle for Life in the Pack 成群结队拼生存








Sometimes, when we see birds soaring in the sky or fish swimming peacefully in a mountain stream, we grow envious of their seemingly simple lives. Their main goal appears to be just finding food and eating it. However, in the struggle to find sustenance, an animal might find itself eaten before it can eat. For most animals at the bottom of the food chain, fighting off predators is not a possibility, and running from them often results in a short chase followed by death. For animals like this, safety can only be found in numbers.




The wildebeest of Africa’s Serengeti is one such animal. When the dry season comes, the million-strong herds must head for greener pastures. But when the path is blocked by a river teeming with hungry crocodiles, the wildebeests have no choice but to cross the deadly river.




Although the wildebeests have sharp hooves that they can use to fight off predators, going one-on-one with a crocodile is a losing proposition. It’s safer to stick with the herd. A few stragglers will be singled out by the hungry beasts of prey; but when one wildebeest is caught, hundreds more slip by, and the survival of the herd is assured.




For the wildebeest, there is safety in numbers. Although some perish in the jaws of predators, the strong ones that keep up with the herd live on to give birth to strong offspring. All of this may seem like a lottery of life and death, but for the wildebeest, playing the odds is a better bet than going it alone.






sustenance [ˋsʌstənəns] n. 食物,粮食

million-strong 多达百万的

pasture [ˋpæstʃɚ] n. 牧草地,放牧场

survival [sɚˋvaɪv!] n. 继续生存; 幸存

assure [əˋʃʊr] v. 确信

perish [ˋpɛrɪʃ] v. 消灭;死去

offspring [ˋɔf͵sprɪŋ] n. 子孙;后代


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envious [ˋɛnvɪəs] adj. 嫉妒的;羡慕的[(+of)]

fight off 抵抗; 击退 to defend against or drive back

predator [ˋprɛdətɚ] n. 食肉动物;掠夺者

wildebeest [ˋwɪldɪ͵bist] n. 牛羚(产于非洲)

teem [tim] v. 充满,富于[(+with)]

hoof [huf] n. 蹄(pl. hooves)

one-on-one [ˋwʌnɑnˋwʌn] adj. 一对一(的)

proposition [͵prɑpəˋzɪʃən] n.【口】(要对付的)事情;问题

stick with 紧跟; 跟…在一起﹐不离开…

straggler [ˋstræglɚ] n. 走散的人;离群的动物

single out: 挑出 to choose or pick

beast of prey 猛兽

live on: 继续存在着  persist, carry on

give birth to  生产, 生育

play the odds  碰运气






Humans are social animals, and we find comfort in being around other people. But humankind also lauds the individual. The heroes we admire are often people who have dared to stand out from the crowd. However, for some species of animals, straying from the group makes them vulnerable, and staying with the group ensures survival.




In the Antarctic, young Adelie penguins learn this lesson when they take their first swim. Lurking in the water below the ice, leopard seals wait as hundreds of young penguins line up at the water’s edge. Suddenly, one penguin plunges into the water, and the others follow, their instincts telling them to stick with the group. The seals will catch some of the young penguins, but not all of them; and the ones that stray from the group are the first to be caught.




Flamingos also rely on a group mentality to stay alive. Like all animals that live in groups, they have learned that if their neighbor makes a sudden move, they’d better copy the movement. That way, even if just one flamingo senses danger, the whole flock will react to evade it. Those who lag behind or don’t follow along risk becoming a meal for predators.




In the human world, blindly going along with the group is seen as a sign of weakness. It shows that you have lost your own sense of identity. However, for many animals in the wild, sticking with the pack means the difference between life and death.



By Will Thelin




stray [stre] v. 迷路,走失;走散

vulnerable [ˋvʌlnərəb!] adj. 易受伤的

ensure [ɪnˋʃʊr] v. 保证;担保

instinct [ˋɪnstɪŋkt] n. 本能;天性

mentality [mɛnˋtælətɪ] n. 心理状态

evade [ɪˋved] v. 躲避;逃避

identity [aɪˋdɛntətɪ] n. 身分;本身;本体


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laud [lɔd] v. 赞美

stand out 突出, 显著  to be easily seen or noticed

lurk [lɝk] v. 潜伏

plunge [plʌndʒ] into  跳入; 投入

flamingo [fləˋmɪŋgo] n. 火烈鸟;红鹤

rely on 依靠, 信赖

flock [flɑk] n.(飞禽,牲畜等的)群

lag behind  落在后面




Reading Questions


1. What is the main idea of the articles in this unit?

A. Many animals, especially the ones that can’t defend themselves well, rely on staying in a group to survive.

B. Wildebeests, penguins, and flamingos are animals that can’t easily fight off natural predators.

C. Humans, unlike animals in the wild, are often rewarded for their individual achievements.

D. When the strong animals in a group survive, it guarantees their young will also be strong.


2. What is true about wildebeests?

A. The rainy season forces them to immigrate annually to find food.

B. They will travel hundreds of miles to avoid meeting predators.

C. They can use their hooves as weapons to defend themselves.

D. They are excellent swimmers, and crossing rivers is the easiest part of their lives.


3. Which of the following animals prey on Adelie penguins?

A. Flamingos

B. Leopard seals

C. Crocodiles

D. Wildebeests


4. According to the articles in the unit, which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. Animals that live in groups survive by mimicking any actions their neighbors make.

B. When Adelie penguins swim for the first time, their instincts tell them to stay with the group.

C. Flamingos rely on their individual cunning to escape dangerous predators.

D. In the human world, sticking to the group without thinking for oneself is often seen as being weak.




Huge Crocodile Eats Wildebeest in Serengeti







1. ( A )

2. ( C )

3. ( B )

4. ( C )




当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Basic English (中英文講解) Discovery (探索频道) The Struggle for Life in the Pack 成群结队拼生存