The Color Run Comes to Taiwan 万人疯!「彩色路跑」登台

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Thousands of people in Taipei turned out recently to have the most colorful day imaginable. They descended upon Dajia Riverside Park (大佳河滨公园) in white T-shirts for a five-kilometer run that included a giant storm of colored powder. Volunteers sprayed a rainbow of colors into the air, and transformed runners into bright works of art.



The event is called The Color Run, and its aim is to motivate people to run for fun. In fact, statistics show that more than 60 percent of last year’s Color Runners worldwide took part in their first five-kilometer race. That’s because anyone can join the run, regardless of their age, and people can go as fast or slow as they like in this untimed race. The focus isn’t on winning but rather on enjoying the act of exercising. Everyone participating in the race is required to wear a white shirt, show up on time, and be prepared to be part of a wild explosion of colors. Whether you’re an experienced runner or a novice, this festive and unique race should ignite your passion for running.



by Bryan Shettig







imaginable [ɪˋmædʒɪnəb!] adj. 能想象的;可想象得到的

image v. 想象

The DVD store near my home has every kind of movie imaginable.


powder [ˋpaʊdɚ] n. 粉,粉末

Some kinds of coffee beans are made into a powder that can be put into hot water.


spray [spre] v. 喷;(如浪花般)溅散

An elephant sometimes uses its trunk and sprays water on itself to cool down.


motivate [ˋmotə͵vet] v. 给……动机;刺激;激发

The coach gave a speech to his players to motivate them to play hard for the big game.


explosion [ɪkˋsploʒən] n. 爆发;爆炸

explode v. 爆炸

There was a huge explosion when the factory was on fire.


experienced [ɪkˋspɪrɪənst] adj. 有经验的

He is an experienced baseball player and is one of the beat on his team.



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turn out  在场; 露面; 集合; 出席

descend [dɪˋsɛnd] v. 突然袭击;突然拜访

transform [trænsˋfɔrm] v. 改变; 改造

take part in 参加, 出席

novice [ˋnɑvɪs] n. 新手,初学者

ignite [ɪgˋnaɪt] v. 点燃; 激起





THE COLOR RUN™ - Be a Color Runner™